LUCKY me i was in tampin today so i cant celebrate it wif others! fux u..... why i was in tampin??? my hometown in taiping and my college in nilai but why suddenly i got throw here??
why?? why u send me to dis BIG BIG town until i can EASILY find something to my dear tummy?? nvm cont. da story. 'WE' was sent here by our college for practical. no nid to kno where my clinical area u also will get kno soon bcause they no place here dat we can go for posting. yeah! of course it was hospital tampin! dis was the 2nd weeks i was here wif my collegues n for sure i was "HAPPY" staying here until i can screamed and shout loudly 'tampin is the besh'!! im sory for those who r staying here. ok im lied. thnx for my fwens who wish me n also god will bless you guys too.. sasan was not here wif me on my bufday sumore! sasan!!! i mish u!! hehe.. act she already bought me a nice mocha cake on 24th april. thnx my laling! but im still confused whether she was tot my bufday on 24th o she bought it earlier bcoz she kno she will not around on dis day. my dear cassandra pls answr me. =.=".. earlier in da morning, i got da news dat our patient before pass away in hospital seremban. i still remebe dat day, i pumped him some oxygen although i have no idea wif dat kind of oxygen. im juz a 1st sem student wif lack of knowledge n i juz hv some knowledge dat i learnt oni for 3 months! can u imagine how im goin to save a life wif dat little little knowledge in my head?! and the worst thing is dat uncle +ve h1n1....zzzzzzzzzz i wif him! by rite now me juz pasrah n hope dat me dont get the infection!!! dis fuckin news reli make me down!! n make me not in da mood to work today. nvm.. i forgot bout him already but i cant stop thinking bout da infection! pls stay me healthy....
thanx ma dear cassandra!
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