4 sure you guys kno who is him. rite4???
kenapa gmb ini tetiba melekat di sini??? bkn aku mahu bergosip tentang ini orang akan tetapi ternyata ada tetapi nya lagi.
setiba sahaja aku di ward
(firstly before i enter da ward i will check 1st there is no sister in charge. why??? why?? bkn apa kalau da sister, ward will be like : suma staff nurse menunduk-nunduk kan muka apatah lagi si jm(jururawat masyarakat). liar liar mata kami mencari si baju biru tp ternyata sister tak sampai lagi. di hati " fuhh baju biru tiada ". melangkah la kami beramai ramai enter da ward to be specific it is a male ward. 'male ward'??? adeh agak jauh jugak ak menyimpang empat dari gambar yang melekat di atas itu.) bersambung.....
terpijak sahaja kaki aku di ward, my sight was caught up by 'this person'. nah inilah cerita saya hari ini. lelaki yang macam kura kura tiga serupa di atas la yang telah membuat kan 'hari hari mau datang ward'. siapa 'this person'??
his name is mohd syahmi! yey i did it!! i can remebe his name! actually he really look likes him(picture in above. im sorry i never know his name. yang aku tahu tajol jah. sebab aku tak penah ada masa nak menonton that drama series. why? why? sebab my beautiful matriculation never had a tv in their hostel room.. =.=' macam matrik matrik yang lain ada menyediakan alat penyalur media sebegitu di setiap bilik. mungkin kah? ok the answer for this
fucking question : of course la nope!!! orang akan macam berkata ' do you lost your mind?' the government never be too rich to supply you with any kind of facilities that can entertain you. for example: for sure la tv kan. ok enough we forget about matriculation and continue with our story.
wow aku tertarik dengan his curly lurly hair.
but im really pity with you..
his admission into the ward because his having a viral fever.
we had done a vital signs on him and we found out that his pulse is too slow and its already below the normal range. pity you. after the doctor finish around the ward the public health inspection came to do an interview to him. we worried if he maybe having a dengue fever. lately, this case rapidly increase and many of admission is because they already infected with dengue.
dear fellows,
you may see this case is simple and you will not take it serious when you heard about this fever. actually this fever is really dangerous and can cause you die.
patient's temperature may flactuated high and low and they will experience low systolic and high diastolic of blood pressure. what the things that cause this to patient? their blood capillaries already burst and their plateletes falls. we can see the patient's skin turned red and we can found the white spots on the skin. white spots is our normal skin while the red one means theres bleeding inside your body. pls immediately get your treatments if you have a fever.
'prevent is better than cure', try to keep your house clean and make no place to aedes to breeding.
ok...suddenly raining here, make me more sleepy...
i will fall asleep. truz me.
sasan already back and she is sleeping right now!!!
dalam hati macam:
tak adil. jelous ni aku. dengan itu aku nak pergi memanjakan diri aku.
make the
waterfall n paint the
diri macam oh bahagia nya aku! oh dan mungkin juga dengan pencemaran bunyi yang berpanjangan tanpa merbahaya kan kesihatan orang lain!
oh yeah
babi lets go!!!