Sunday, January 23, 2011


hello peeps ! wooww we r in 2011 d. rasa cam xlambat lagi kan na wish sekarang? well, sangat bz eh x bz sangat but the prob is my line was so sux. biasalah penangan berukband. i know everyone will get the same thing happen to them. am i rite?
okie new year means i'm in new sem, everythings was went smoothly as i'm not having a pack day in my new semester. sem 3 was like oh okie, great we juz having 5 subject but then the subject was like tuuuttt..... i cant believe it i nid to start study history again.=.=
plus pengajian islam sumore. haha great i nid to deal wif it. that day in my 1st claz of agama i nid to wear a scarf ! waa everyone called me makcik. nvm. dats only for the 1st day bcuz got another student didnt do the same thing as i'm doin. oh hell yeah!!

today hari 7, sunday weekend sangat la busan. nothing to do, i juz stuck in my room wif my lappy. i wish to have some fun and get my ass out of here. tapi.. everyone is pokai. haha itu la masalah nya sekarang. biasalah tengah2 bulan la katakan. i'm totally out from my budget. gila lah. gara2 na enjoy sakan. bha terima la. haha

so new year. azam baru? i nope reli hv one. haha gila. everyone was talking bout their new azam but me?

okie la. my 10 list for dis 2011.

1. keep iman (i do luv him)
2. my priority still my family
3. have more fun wif fwens
4. colour my hair ( i wan dark brown, yea i kno i can cuz dis year i dun nid to go for posting.fthrmore, my hair colour already like a 'pilak' )
5. blackberry ( but i having a 2nd tot to hv sony xperia x10 too )
6. avoid to eat more n spend less money to food
7. play sports o exercise
8. keep maintain my pointer
9. grow up
10. be myself

okie speak soon.

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