Tuesday, April 27, 2010

just a dream

this is linlin who always have a dream to be a doctor.. but now she is ended to be a student nurse...pity her??? then just pity me.

'im jelous with them im also want to be just like them' im said that to my clinical instructor.

'you will rosmazlen. just finish your study first then you will see how bright your future in this field.

take your degree and you also at least can be a lecturer and teach the others student nurses. you just need to work hard and be honest in your action. remember we always will step one more forward and become better everyday.

yeah madam! thanks for always give me a free advices and make me to never give up in life.

from this moment i will always perform my besh in order to be a great nurse.

and for sure i will never and never end up my life just to be a staff nurse(means after me graduated and pass from nursing board exam).

ok doctor is one of my dream. but here is my hobby..

possing and possing and possing.

pls give me back my tummy before!!! i really need to lose weight now. i will!!!

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