Friday, April 30, 2010

im fucking hate you

i got so many problem here and i fucking dont know how im going to continue my life here. im always know someday our relationship will end because of me. im fucking love you until i cant thinking rationally right now. im fucking high and i never used to it. i cant feel anything right now because my head was so dizzy untill i cant see every alphabets on my keyboard. im just started to typing all the shit here because i dont have anyone to talk bout it. how im going to release my stress unless you talk to me and give me the reason why we should end our relationship. we used to be happy together before and we used to ignore everything that came towards us. we fight everything and we conquer all our feeling to be a happy couple. im fucking damn crying all the time because of you. why you never consider my feeling and my fucking problem. its all about my life and im hope that you will always understand me but everything that i expected from you was never true. you leave me hanging in the middle of nowhere. you decided everything before you talk to me first.

' sit together and slow talk' (someone had said it before)

but you never want to listen me.

nevermind starting from now i will be a heartless person. i swear is true.

sorry because i hurt you and thank for everything.

haha t' emosi la plak minah nih. jgn percaya with every single words thats come from me. sebab aku tipu ja tuh. (yaka?)

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