time : 0300
venue : room (kepala batas)
agak lama di situ.. sejak bila aku stop buat blog aku pun lupa dah.. maybe start dari berukband aku buat hal dulu ++ bz with my life. many things happened through out the times and i try my best to cope with it. erm2.. macam biasa lewat2 malam baru dapat blogging. tak dapat tido dari tadi because suddenly he is missing. i keep calling but no answers from him.
u sangat aneh la, kenapa tiba2 hilang?
u kata u watch movie with ur 'nazir'
but dalam masa yg sangat singkat u
dah tak reply my msg. i keep calling u
pun tak da jawapan.
untuk menenang kan hati (think positive- maybe he fall asleep)
penat dengan extra class dari 0800-1700. tapi what happen to your
movie and nazir?? aishhhh stop thinking bad about him! choi!
to my friends ling, junjun, ang kee,
wo hen kai xin plays 'poker' together just now. =P
akma tolong ketawa saja memandang kan dia tak pandai main. ngee
well then, tomorrow is off day (sunday) so i don't need to bother about the times
(masa itu emas)
-stop from writing for a while
*excited-got a call from him
SAH DIA TERTIDO while watching the movie just now (legend office)-entah la muvi apa tuh.
tengah on call tapi tangan still menaip.
digi easy free call to 3 buddies , tak tahu la berapa bulan pulak tahan
before this we are using digi campus for about a month kot then kena tukar ke digi prepaid
pape jela... the most important things here dapat gayut 24hours
hahahaha gila kan? kami memang gila..
aku kat kepala batas buat praktikal kat sini. kena stay sampai dua bulan so da habis sebulan kat sini and still tinggal another one month to go. chayok2!!
-to be continued
nak gayut dengan chenta saya.