Saturday, July 31, 2010


student nurse yang paling "baik"

yeah we do love each others!!!

we shared our food together even i was sick, ( if i got tb 4 sure u guys pon dapat, dun even scared kan??? cross infection tuh!!!)

we shared our money together when we 'pokai'. ngeee.....

we be aim together by our lecturers, ( bcoz we are 'good girl' but aku la yang paling baik jarang ponteng class compared to kamu dua. hihi watch out ko jira because ko suda dapat warning letter dari miss haryati ).

we go enjoys together when we sad. ( cuma aku tak wit sekali korang. haha )

then, why not my fwens Cassandra Debbie Asri and Siti Nadzirah we die together..... hahahaha....

i love both of you!!!!!

si sasan yang memahami,

sasan : ko gado sama iman?

me : mana ko taw?

sasan : tuh muka ko macam babi..

me : hahahahaha.. ko taw jak kan.

sasan : mesti la.

si jira yang sengal,

jira : eeeee geram!!! maw geget!!!

me : oi oi oi jangan geget aku!!! gilak!!!

sambil jira tarik2 tangan aku maw geget. tangan aku tolak2 kepala dia menahan dari kena geget tapi si gemuk nih kuat. aku kena jugak geget. selama beberapa minggu aku kena geget di dalam kelas jadi aku tukar position ngan si san. hahaha oooo ngan san ko xmaw geget eh jira!!!!! sama aku jak kan??? babun betoi...




buah hati kesayangan. saya sayang dia. hanya orang yang cute boleh da dalam hati saya. hihi
everyday he will keep remind me that " he loves me so much "

Muhammad Nur Iman si chumil saya!


ONLY BORING PEOPLE ARE BORED!! haha... so what?? im used to be a boring girl. what a big deal?? tengok header pun dah taw.

sangat pelik habit aku yang macam minta puji ni bila aku hari2 bangun awal pagi.every day after 7 am aku akan terjaga. pergi toilet,BO ( my bowel patterns every morning) ,gurgle (Listerine terbaek),wash my face ( without facial foam ) , when i talking about toilet i just want to let you know that our lampu toilet still cannot functioning!!!! oi pakcik yusop bila hang na mai buat balik lampu toilet nih??? dekat tiga bulan aku mandi,basuh kain,berak,kencing,cuci muka,gosok gigi,kumur dalam gelap kot.... $%$%%^$%#%#$^&%*^
sumpah bengang!!al maklum la kami tak pandai na pebetoi sendiri natang tuh. hundred times da p report haram na mai pebetoi. jangan sampai i jadi berserk!! haha

hari ini hari ahad.. every passing weekend should be very boring unless my buah hati come and visit me!! we will spend time together, ketawa teruk2 sama2, i kacau u u kacau i, u lari2 sebab kena geletek ngan i, u geget2 i without any reason... sumpah i miss u dear... you should be my best friend i ever had because you know me well and i cant even lying a single things to you. so im not suppose to be a good liar. =P
im wondering if you also feel the same ways dear! oh!!!! you do!!! i know you well buah hati.

here i am stuck all alone in my room.. aku jealous!!!!! dari semalam hafiz dengan akma... waaa.... i nak u i nak u!! i mish u!!! pagi2 akma bangun and masak untuk hafiz because his going back today. oh so sweet you know! aku sangat2 jealous!! T_T

this is another story, flu and cough masih sama.. tak baek2!!!! why??? seminggu dah kot...
yesterday my suptum contain blood..tapi aku tak surprise pun because that night aku batuk sangat teruk. no wonder la pagi2 suptum aku ada darah.

in the lab

C I : whose that girl just now??? Ross.... Rosssma..... (she cant even pronounce my name..ggrrr)

before i went to get cross for bone marrow puncture i done with taking blood specimen so this clinical instructor who conduct the procedure had said something about me to the others. ( akma told me yesterday)

friend : Rosmazlen miss..

C I : yes she is.. ask she to see a doctor. she cough so bad. maybe got something. the sound of her cough also different. its not a normal coughing.

friend : shout at me.. linnnn!!!!!!!!

but i just ignored it because aku too focus on bone marrow puncture.
so semalam aku keluar pergi kedai kejap beli ubat batuk cap ibu dan anak.

haishhh..... tiba2 ja lapar.. nak pergi mam kejap la!!!!

i need to wear mask to prevent cross infection.

STREET PARTY by Nilai College United Society

here some photos taken during that night. July 28 2010
(hehe sorry i was took this photo from NCUS fb)

they are nursing students! you are rock my fwens!!!

her moves was killing us!

in this pic me sasan and jun. tangan aku macam minta api.

they were totally wet because of the water sprinkles.

we are sabahan rox! hihi sasan, jira, me n junior

the 'rapper'

that was our president 'Hosea Ross Mukri'. thank him.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

kandang rumah pondok

woooo... woooo.... good morning. its almost 4am tapi mata aku cam berat lagi na tidur nih. ok the picture up there is nothing to do dengan blog aku hari ni. im having flu right now plus2 batuk sekali. damn fucking hate!!! dah berapa hari im not feeling well nak kata x makan ubat aku cam makan ja and 1 more thing!!! ada ulcer kat gusi aku!!! eeeuuuwww... cubaan memberus gigi dengan cepat telah menyebab kan gusi aku yang macam sihat nih luka!!!! waaa.... what a bad day! everything going to be wrong dengan sore throat lagi then aku macam kena stop taking my nyawa. then skarang tinggal body without nyawa, mayat hidup la namanya!

whole day class tadi cuma lab practice and aku macam cuba untuk dapatkan cross sebanyak yg mungkin.
semua procedures macam *tuuttt* ..then tadi macam cuba practice ambil darah dekat tgn jira tapi failed!!!! sux! im sorry jira T_T
so membabi la aku dlm lab sampai jam 5 baru pulang.

ouh!!!! i almost forgot!

last nyte, i went to street party with my friends..
OMG! (starting song for rnb) it was fucking fun.
this event student college ak jugak yang buat.
as a member club aku pun pergi la support
tapi macam ouh party sabahan aja.
we dance at car park in the college dengan water sprinkles around us. ( semua WET )
erm2 not bad... we have a great time last night. i hope event macam ni akan ada lagi.
ouh aku macam nak cakap nursing students are the best!!!! beraksi dengan liar that night especially kawan2 aku. hehe nama pun nursing student mesti lah semua kawan aku.
the party over around 11 sumthing aku lupa la... sebab our president si hosea takut kami semua tak attend class arini. hahaha... tak da makna nya hosea. finish about party.

mama i mish u badly =((
nak call tapi macam da terlalu late sangat nih..

damn.. i should get myself to sleep now otherwise i will get "love letter" tomorrow.
* notification letter* i got once last sem and the letter straight go to my home!!!
my mobile phone memekak sebab dia nak suruh mama plak membebel because surat cinta dari college sampai rumah gara2 ponteng class. jadi pengajaran nya cuba2 lah rajin kan diri pergi class. hahaha
( tapi macam niat tak nak pergi class) hehe =P


Tuesday, July 20, 2010


walaweh, lamanya aku tak berblog ni.. what is really happen? jangan tanya. maybe sebab terlampau banyak stalker yang macam tak ada kerja lain nak buat. nama pun 'stalker' so paham2 sahaja la. It almost 3am tapi aku tak tidur lagi. tiba2 aja rasa na bukak natang blog nih.

tadi sempat lagi baca blog sendiri dan rasa tersangat la lama tak update blog nih. so i already in semester 2 and macam aku da start class about 3 weeks ago. before that aku berholiday about 1 month kat rumah. that means ' HEAVEN '. aku macam nak nanges bila masuk sem 2 sebab subjek susah and aku langsung tak boleh fokus dalam kelas. kenapa?? sebab aku asyek kena geget ngan jira. hehe kiddin dear =)

haha i was laughing when i read back my previous blog post sebab i was scared about the final. so the result already go to my mum =))
on that day, i was so surprised because i can scored in final. my pointer was just like 3. and above. macam tak silap aku 3.87.
dalam2 surprised tuh ada jugak tak puas hati sebab psychology aku B. after that baru aku sedar bahawasanya assigmnent itu sangat2 la penting dan ia sangat2 membantu for final exam.

dan setahu aku esok pagi2 aku da test medical and surgical nursing II. tapi aku still wonder apa yang aku buat lagi nih. tak tidur dan tak study. jadi esok aku nak jawab apa? jawab blog and facebook dalam test? huhu....
then dengan ini, aku nak melabuh kan tirai buat sementara waktu =PP

gud nyte!