its been a while that i wrote anything in my dear blog,
erm...today was the last day me in tampin hospital.
its just like a few days ago i was here but now i need to leave tampin and going back to nilai.
err going back to nilai means 'worst' and i will go through my hard days.
why?? because final exam is just around the corner and i did not even touch any note yet.
1st impression of mine being here was wrong because now i did not want to leave
this sweet home and sweet ward. theres a lot memories that was create here and everything was ended and started in tampin.
ouh, this picture was captured early in the morning by wada when we were waiting for the van and as you can see at the back of us is our current house.
this is my beloved clinical instructor, madam rahimah.
this picture was captured in kfc. maadam rahimah treated us kfc!!!! we love you madam!
last night
sasan : lin ko taw ka td tuh merupakan kali terakhir ko iron bj d tampin nih.
aku macam adesss......
sedih ni aku. macam aku tak nak tinggalkan tampin. padahal yg lain2 semua bersuka ria dan tak sabar2 nak tinggal kan tampin. kesian tampin. hahahaha
mungkin sebenar nya aku tak nak menghadapi FINAL EXAM!!!
kenapa la kau still nak nafikan lagi lin!
life must go on!!!!
we need to face everything that comes towards us!
even it is a FINAL EXAM!!
ouh man! im fucking scared!
final final final final final final
about two weeks to go then i will seat for my final!!!
ok...forget about the final or else i will get crazy soon.
WARD 4 ( male ward)
everyday i on duty in this ward. this ward was the best ward than others. its maybe because of the staffs there. they are really kind and willing to teach me everything and they also have a great sense of humor. its different things comes to female ward because the staffs there was quite fierce and very demand. oppsss im sory... i did not really mean it. but maybe its the truth.
so my CI had decided that we only need to stay in ward 4. =)) then my days always full with happiness. i would like to thank everyone that always stand with me and make my life cheerful!
and for now i want to excuse myself because im really hungry and i want to continue finish my kfc!!!