Sunday, October 31, 2010
little linlin
weekend yang agak tak membusankan. pagi-pagi dah bangun. err jam 1200 still di kira pagi kan? iman call kacau mimpi aku. haiz... mimpi best kot.. takpa nanti try continue malam ni pula. as i woke up terus capai lappy, facebooking kejap.
the picture above was captured by sasan in tampin. but baru hari ini aku edit and upload di fb. then petang around 15oo kami keluar makan. lewat makan gara2 ling, jun and ang kee bangun lambat. perut aku dah macam buat concert metal hardcore dah tunggu diorang keluar.
skype dengan hubby yang terchenta petang tadi!
-melepaskan rindu di dada.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
muncul kembali
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
this is my roommate. names siti zulaikha ronalds! hihi... a very kind hearted person.
tahap kesengalan kurang sedikit. sangat2 loyal ngn boifren dy. ngeeee tak boleh tulis banyak2 sal dy nih sbb dy pun da blog. kunk aku kena sembelih ngan dy. hihi
kami minum teh orang kampung sama2 semalam. nasib baik tak masuk toilet pun sama2. tapi memang terbaik la!!!! jum kita teruskan dengan misi kita ika!!!!!
our photo during sem break. chenta datang cuti di rumah saya. (cuti la kunun) hehe..
i mish every moments we had spent together chenta!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
it should be "fuck you"
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010
ONLY BORING PEOPLE ARE BORED!! haha... so what?? im used to be a boring girl. what a big deal?? tengok header pun dah taw.
STREET PARTY by Nilai College United Society
Thursday, July 29, 2010
kandang rumah pondok
woooo... woooo.... good morning. its almost 4am tapi mata aku cam berat lagi na tidur nih. ok the picture up there is nothing to do dengan blog aku hari ni. im having flu right now plus2 batuk sekali. damn fucking hate!!! dah berapa hari im not feeling well nak kata x makan ubat aku cam makan ja and 1 more thing!!! ada ulcer kat gusi aku!!! eeeuuuwww... cubaan memberus gigi dengan cepat telah menyebab kan gusi aku yang macam sihat nih luka!!!! waaa.... what a bad day! everything going to be wrong dengan sore throat lagi then aku macam kena stop taking my nyawa. then skarang tinggal body without nyawa, mayat hidup la namanya!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
tadi sempat lagi baca blog sendiri dan rasa tersangat la lama tak update blog nih. so i already in semester 2 and macam aku da start class about 3 weeks ago. before that aku berholiday about 1 month kat rumah. that means ' HEAVEN '. aku macam nak nanges bila masuk sem 2 sebab subjek susah and aku langsung tak boleh fokus dalam kelas. kenapa?? sebab aku asyek kena geget ngan jira. hehe kiddin dear =)
haha i was laughing when i read back my previous blog post sebab i was scared about the final. so the result already go to my mum =))
on that day, i was so surprised because i can scored in final. my pointer was just like 3. and above. macam tak silap aku 3.87.
dalam2 surprised tuh ada jugak tak puas hati sebab psychology aku B. after that baru aku sedar bahawasanya assigmnent itu sangat2 la penting dan ia sangat2 membantu for final exam.
dan setahu aku esok pagi2 aku da test medical and surgical nursing II. tapi aku still wonder apa yang aku buat lagi nih. tak tidur dan tak study. jadi esok aku nak jawab apa? jawab blog and facebook dalam test? huhu....
then dengan ini, aku nak melabuh kan tirai buat sementara waktu =PP
gud nyte!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
pigi mati suma. suma budu! moron!
2nd person : i will make sure u will always suffering! u neva kno me rite!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
si dia
Monday, May 24, 2010
time : 1534
purpose : waiting for nazirah
aku dalam library nih. sambil tunggu nazirah aku on9. si nazirah pergi resit test anatomy 1. jadi aku kena tunggu dia kat sini. aku taip sambil cover2 sebab aku menggunakan pc library. hahaha..... keyboard pon berhabuk xtaw la aku berapa usia pc nih. kenapa xguna lappy sendiri ja? sebab........ lappy aku charger rosak! kebetulan gila... sasan nya charger meletup na.gila. adesss... busan nih aku. tadi aku da cuba study..tapi mata aku macam suruh aku pergi tidur. di mana lah aku na tidur dlm library nih. jadi aku tersinggah di pc nih. hahaha... na balik tp aku na pergi giant jap g ngan si nazirah. al maklum lah stock suma da habes. huhuhu.... nah.. malas aku nak taip da nih. dari tadi g bunyi keyboard aku ja. hahaha... gila. chow..
Friday, May 21, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Friday, April 30, 2010
AGAINST ME- Borne On The FM Waves Of The Heart
No, it's not what we meant to say.
We don’t really love each other.
What happens when the summer’s over?
How long before distance becomes a chore?
I'm approaching with great, great trepidation.
I hope you’ll understand.
Before you speak think about what you're trying to say.
Who else is there to blame for miscommunication?
You're getting caught up in the excitement.
You making promises you can’t keep.You need to leave all your options open.
Too much momentum.
This room feels like it's going to explode.
Too many angles.
Too many factors to cover.
Waiting for signal.
You're searching for network.
You have to fight to stay in control of the situation.
Anxiety, Anxiety you give me no mercy.
Grind my teeth smooth and flat in my sleep.
We took some pills to calm us down.
Then we needed help to come back up.
Just trying to stay in control of the situation.
Too much momentum.
This room feels like it's going to explode.
Too many angles.
Too many factors to cover.
Waiting for signal.
You're searching for network.
You have to fight to stay in control of the situation.
They fall apart so easily.
Too much momentum.
This room feels like it's going to explode.
Too many angles.
Too many factors to cover.
Waiting for signal.
You're searching for network.
You have to fight to stay in control.
You have to fight to stay in control.
No, you don’t have to fight to stay in control of the situation.
im fucking hate you
haha t' emosi la plak minah nih. jgn percaya with every single words thats come from me. sebab aku tipu ja tuh. (yaka?)
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
gmbar jauh nampak kurus tapi hakikat nya.................rumah tuh pon hilang kalau aku berdiri depan2.(tipu tp betul)